Your Story Room: Some Voices of Fruitvale (Voices of Today)

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For transcripts of audio from The Kitchen (including all audio on this page), click here.

303-Bill and Hazel Manica 304-Betty Jackson and her son Dallas 305-Seng Saeliu and Bao Cuung 306-Muong Saetern 307-Kerwin Upshaw 308-Argelia Landaverde Ramos 309-Moisés Ortiz 310-Fulani Carter 311-Claudia Albano 312-Rosa Drew 313-Joanne Jasson 314-Leon Leong 315-Beverly Blythe 316-Lee Armstrong 317-Alma en Paz and her parents Elwin and Dorothy Miller 318-Wilbur Jordon 319-Rita Torres 320-Lorne Lentz 321-Mary Domínguez 322-Ignacio De La Fuente 323-Gwendolyn Marshall Jackson 324-Paul Smith and Michelle Waddy 325-Wortham Fears 326-Chai Saechao 327-Abdullah Mohammed 328-Celia Q. González 329-Darrio Hammonds and Wayne Russo 330-David Montes de Oca 331-Jesse and Catherine Gutiérrez 332-Rev. Lin Hong 333-Numurray Wallace 334-Rashid Selik 335-Rosario Flores 336-Socorro Arias de Rodríguez 337-Will Williams 338-Joel Elizondo 339-Shirley Driver 340-Rubén Vallejo 341-Arabella Martínez 342-José Arrendo 343-Tawanda Gilbert 344-Rogelio López